There are 10,000 baby boomers aging into Medicare every day for the next 10 years; That’s a lot of people looking for information about Medicare! Here's how it works.

There are 2 ways to get your Medicare

Medicare is divided into 4 parts and each plays a unique role in your healthcare. The first way to receive healthcare is original Medicare which includes parts A, B, and D as well as a Medicare supplement.

Part A

Covers all things that happen in a hospital, and you usually don’t pay any premiums for part A.

Part B

Covers all things that happen in the doctor’s office. The 2017-Part B premium for most people is $134.00.

Part D

Helps offset the costs of your prescription drugs

*The 2017 national average premium for a Part D drug plan is $34.00



Supplements are also known as Medigap plans. A Medigap plan is where Medicare A & Medicare B is your primary health insurance and then, you purchase a Medigap plan to cover the gap Medicare doesn’t pay for.

Second way to receive your Medicare is Part C

Part C of Medicare is also called an “advantage plan” and it rolls everything up into one plan.

Benefits of Part C

  • You get the convenience of a single plan
  • Many plans include a prescription drug plan
  • You have access to a network of doctors and hospitals
  • Many plans offer additional benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, and preventative care

When do you qualify for Medicare?

You have 7 months to enroll once you age in: 3 months before your birthday and 3 months after your birthday.


When should you sign up for Medicare?

If you are not receiving social security, you will need to sign up online or at your local social security office.


When will you receive your Medicare Card?

Look for your Medicare card 3 months before your birthday.